Revive and inspire your staff!

Are you looking for a unique small-group experience to energise your staff?

Playful exploration stimulates brain activity, boosting creativity and problem solving.
Workshops offer a relaxed and positive space for team-building.

Designed with a systematic approach, workshops are consistent in structure and overarching aims.

Within this structure, content is responsive to each group of individuals.

Tangible outcomes include participant feedback, take-home mementos and an evaluative reports as needed.

Workshops can be held at any suitable venue in Greater Adelaide. We only need an average sized, clean meeting room with tables, chairs and a few power outlets.

Group sizes of 6 to 10 are ideal for this interactive experience.

Cost of a standard (unmodified) workshop is based on $80 per participant, per 2.5 hour workshop, which includes take-home mementos. Additional costs may apply for some travel or other overheads.

Costs for modified / tailored workshops, reports and presentations are costed by negotiation.

To discuss the specific needs of your team, contact Celeste today!