Building community and inspiring wonder.

Attention community leaders…

Are you looking for stand-out events that foster community engagement and promote wellbeing?

Whether you are looking to provide activities for teens, new residents or the elderly, Celeste can tailor workshops to suit a particular emphasis, be it mental health, community building, connecting with nature or learning about our environment.

Workshops are designed with a systematic approach, consistent in structure and overarching aims. Within this structure, content is flexible and responsive.

Tangible outcomes include participant feedback and participant memento creation. Evaluative reports, summaries or presentations can be requested.

Requirements: workshops can be held at any suitable venue in Greater Adelaide. We only need an average sized, clean meeting room with several tables, chairs and a few power outlets.

Celeste holds a current liability insurance certificate and Working with Children Clearance for youth workshops.

Group sizes of 6 to 10 are ideal for this interactive experience.

Cost of a standard (unmodified) workshop is based on $80 per participant, per 2.5 hour workshop, which includes take-home mementos. Additional costs may apply for some travel or other overheads.

Costs for modified / tailored workshops, reports and presentations are costed by negotiation.

Contact Celeste to discuss tailoring workshops to the community you care for.